Discover how to simplify your path to a healthier and happier life with the conscious Living approach.

We can’t all climb to the top of a mountain when we need a fresh start

You may have the desire to reinvent yourself, redesign your lifestyle, or heal from the past, but where do you start? This is usually when someone may think that a change will take something drastic or it might not be possible.

Escaping from life and climbing to the top of a mountain seems like the best option...but not an option for most of us. Many of us are left to do the unimaginable while in the chaos of life.

I am here to tell you, you can reinvent yourself, redesign your lifestyle, and heal from the past while still living your day to day life. I am here to help you do that with ease.

But first, sourdough

So maybe you’re here because you know I have an obsession with sourdough and you came here to learn more about that.

Or, when you read that first section, you felt instantly overwhelmed because it all seems far out of reach for where you’re at with life.

Let’s start with fun and the rest will be right here when you’re ready.

Stress, anxiety, sadness, depression, overwhelm, and fear left me blindly walking through life questioning why everything had to be so hard. Then a spinal cord lesion gave me the wake up call I needed to start living the life more in alignment with my dreams

Living your dream life may seem far off…

That is why The Conscious Living Approach is strategically broken down to allow you to transform your life, small steps at a time.

Heal toxic cycles, negative thought patterns, and anything else that is holding you back from the life you dream of. Unearth your true power to make that a reality.

Where Do you start?

You get to give yourself the gift of focusing on YOU first. The ultimate goal is to FEEL your best. This mindset allows the space to design the approach that will meet your needs, this isn’t a one-size-fits-all.

The First Three Steps to The Conscious Living Approach

(click to explore)

Once you are at a place where you are showing up for you, you’ll be in a better position to show up in a more ideal way in other areas of your life. Remember, you have the ability to take small steps at a time to live more consciously, even in the chaos of life.

The magical things about The Conscious Living Approach

  • You get to go at the pace that works for you. Surrender to the process, go with the flow, and open yourself up for growth and expansion.

  • You don’t have to follow the exact layout, jump around to any area of The Conscious Living Approach where attention is needed.

  • Your journey won’t look like anyone else’s, you can instantly cut comparison. This path is designed to discover what is right for YOU. We honor the path, beliefs, needs of everyone. The goal is to support you on your journey to feeling your best.

  • There is no need for perfectionism. There is no “right” way of integrating The Conscious Living Approach. The only expectation is to give yourself grace, kindness, and patience as you navigate this transformation.