Why I Cold Plunge

Sure cold plunging is great to help reduce inflammation, help with achy joints and muscles, regulate hormones, and so so much more. But for me, I started cold plunging for a whole other reason.
Cold plunging can help decrease stress and mood…I took that as it could be my chance to help regulate my nervous system. It could help me start to regulate my emotions better.
The backstory…my toddlers showed me something major. As an adult, I had very little ability to regulate my own emotions. As a mama of three, how are you supposed to teach your littles how to do it if you can’t? 
I can very easily get overwhelmed, overstimulated, anxious and stressed. This then made me frustrated, impatient, and less like the mama I wanted to show up as. 
What cold plunging has done for me:
  • I am much calmer. When I notice the less desirable emotions coming to the surface, I do a lot better at calming myself down. 
  • My mood has been more of what I want. I don’t catch myself in bad moods anymore, and if I do, I can flip it quickly (jumping in the cold plunge is one way.) 
  • I face harder tasks with a better attitude. When you get yourself into freezing water, dunk your head, then sit there for 3 minutes, you start to recognize that you can do much more than you think. 
  • I recover from runs quicker. In the past when I would pick up how much I’m running, I would be sore. I very rarely feel sore from a run or workout. 
  • I’m not cold as often. I used to get cold all of the time but now I don’t notice it nearly as much as I used to. My body does a better job at regulating my temperature. 
Cold plunging seems like a fad, but it’s one fad I can get down with. It’s a habit that helps keep me in check. It helps me be more conscious of the life I’m living. 
I’ll be honest, I do not like being cold. Most mornings I dread it. Many mornings, I sit in there trying to convince myself to dunk my head. It isn’t always the best. It’s like any other habit though, the more I do it, the easier it gets. Also like any other positive habit, once I do it, I feel better. I can see the perks and that is why I continue to do it. 
The key to every Conscious Habit. You desire a positive shift in your life. If you want to FEEL different, you have to be willing to do differently. 
So many it’s not a cold plunge for you. Maybe it is. My encouragement for you is to take this mindset and explore something that will help pivot your days in a more positive direction. You will thank yourself for doing so. 
Drop any questions you have in the comments below and I will support you how I can!

Looking for a cold plunge? Here is ours:
Nurecover Portable Ice Bath
You can use code: MEGHAN87188 for 20% off.

Movement Over Fitness