Telling a New Story

Here is a fact about my journey with The Conscious Living Approach, my mindset set was and is the hardest thing I have to manage with living life more consciously. My brain was put on autopilot with sad, fearful, anxious, intrusive, negative thoughts. At a time I was pretty optimistic, positive and a dreamer, yet when I spoke, I frequently was patted on the head, told I was wrong, or the person listening would just smirk with a sense of disbelief. I stopped trusting myself and my own thoughts. 

Are you trusting your own thoughts or have your thoughts been written over by the narrative of outside sources? It is time to claim your mindset back! This will not be an overnight thing. Frustration, defeat, confusion, may happen but that is required for your “rewiring” process. 

Here’s the thing…you have the right to start telling a new story. You have the absolute power to start flipping your mindset to a more positive one. You deserve to free yourself from the more negative thoughts. Well, I should rephrase that, negative thoughts will continue to pop up, even when you put in the work. You deserve the right to not allow the negative thoughts to keep you down or to bulldoze your entire day, week or month. 

For me, I had to take the steps to begin flipping my mindset. It took time. It took me crashing and burning. It took me flexing the muscle time and time again before it started to become easier. It is still something I am working on, but recently it feels more possible than ever before. 

Here are some small steps I took:

  • Journaling. When you’re having a hard time, write a note on your phone, computer or write on paper. Just word vomit and get it out. Then, delete or rip up the paper and get rid of it. This is the easiest step to get it off your chest instead of trying to change anything for now. 

  • When you have many thoughts that keep playing over and over in your head, write them out. Next to it, draw an arrow and rewrite it in a more positive way. Actively doing this will eventually help you flip a mindset without writing it out. 

  • If you’re having a hard time mentally processing a challenging time, write it out, similar to the first step. But this time, transition your writing into how you can start telling a new story. How can you get yourself out of this funk?

  • Find joy. This seems silly and this felt pointless at first. But it works. When you feel stuck, what can you do to bring yourself joy? You are putting the challenging time on hold. You are choosing something detached from the situation and focusing on something that will make you feel better. This will then help you at the point you are ready to face the situation again. 

  • Find positive accounts to follow on social media. I love finding ones about mindsets and healing. It helps me to read those and they seem to come up at the right time. Or you can write down the quotes that resonate with you and refer back when needed. With that, stop following any and every account that brings you down. If there are ones that bring you into a funk for any reason, they are not worth following. 

It’s time to tell yourself a new story. A story that will allow you to enjoy your life. You do not have to stay stuck in a negative pattern (that may be the first story you stop telling yourself). Small baby steps will help you get to a more positive mindset. Give yourself time, patience, and kindness as you begin the process. Also, keep up to date with this blog. I will continue to drop small tips and tricks of my journey that could be a beneficial tool for you as well.


External Dissatisfaction Heals Internally