Not a One Size Fits All Diet

So you may or may not be wondering what The Conscious Eating Approach is, but if you’re here, I am going to assume that you are. The entire Conscious Living Approach was created from The Conscious Eating Approach. The intention is that this collective approach is not “one-size-fits-all”. It has been my driving force behind the entire vision as I built it out. I want to empower others to design their healthiest and happiest lives, I am merely here to provide a new perspective and share what I have learned along the way. 

When I first decided to become a health coach, I had just healed my body from a spinal cord lesion through the foods I was consuming (and cutting out). I then naively believed that I was going to help everyone become gluten and dairy free and maybe even vegan. But here’s the harsh reality I found, I had extreme anxiety around food. The beginning of my coaching career did not go as planned because I was starting to recognize that not everyone wanted to go gluten and dairy free, nor did they need to. This is a crash and burn I can truly appreciate because it woke me up to my own journey. 

I then went back to the drawing board...for myself. I took a break from coaching and began relearning exactly what I needed. I had to stop being so strict on myself because I wanted to give people the freedom of genuine food freedom (not just the freedom that came with the fine print of forever restriction.)

I can get wordy so I am going to explain this part in a nutshell. I spent years on a nutritional roller coaster. I battled what my approach was going to be with health coaching. I wondered if health coaching was really even for me. Yet, it was a constant tug on my heart. When I learned something new for myself, I could easily spin it to how I could then help someone else. I was unknowingly working behind the scenes creating The Conscious Eating Approach. It took some expected trail and error, then one day the floodgates opened and it all came flowing in. 

This approach is not a one-size-fits-all approach. It is a laidout format for you to recreate your relationship with food. The ultimate goal? To FEEL your best. I recognized once I began designing my new relationship with food and I started FEELING better, my long sought after goals were falling into place. I reached and maintained my goals like never before. That is the exact moment I knew I was on to something. 

Goals of The Conscious Eating Approach:

  • Eliminate any anxiety, overwhelm, stress around food. 

  • Detach from any yo-yo dieting. Quit the battle of trying any and every approach that tells you exactly what to eat. You no longer just need to “suck it up” with a diet. Enjoy the process while still reaching your goals. 

  • Stop having to “get back on track”. The back and forth of dieting or not, watching what you eat or not, cutting out foods or not, is actually holding you back. 

  • Eat with ease. Transition your relationship with food with grace, patience and kindness, knowing that once you establish the perfect formula for your approach, you will never have to look back. 

  • Free yourself from any shame or guilt around food. Ditch the idea of counting calories, tracking food, limiting yourself to three meals a day, portioning your food out. And pick up the concept of just EATING, when you want, how much you want. 

What it will take:

  • Learning what foods are healthy for you and less healthy for you. Then following the 80/20 Rule. Healthy for you- 80% of the time. Less healthy for you- 20% of the time. 

  • Stop comparing your approach, your success, your journey, to anyone else. What works for someone else is less likely to be exactly what you need. You deserve to cut the comparison and finally find what works for YOU. (I will give you the exact steps)

  • Be patient with the process. You likely will not see the results you want in just 30 days. HOWEVER, this long-term approach brings you long-term results. By putting in the work to discover what YOU need, you will kiss the less positive relationship with dieting good-bye…for good. 

  • An open mind to a new perspective. I have had to unlearn many things around food, a few times, before I finally accepted what is truly, to the core, right for me. 

  • The willingness to learn. If you can learn the reason behind your approach, you will be more confident in actually implementing what you find. Once I took a deep dive into learning about my food, learning what works for me, I was able to stand behind my decisions with complete certainty. It quickly became a no brainer instead of the typical “willpower” that I felt I needed for a diet. 

And because the people that I think need The Conscious Eating Approach the most, will likely need to hear this… Since The Conscious Eating Approach I have not gained weight. I am at the healthiest weight of my life, while also being the happiest (and still rocking some cellulite). I have healed from my disordered eating. I have kicked dieting to the curb. I love my body while knowing it doesn’t need to be perfect. I have had three babies and have never once felt pressure to “lose the baby weight”. I allowed proper time to heal from pregnancy and have gotten stronger and in even better shape after each pregnancy. 

The most important thing, I am able to teach my littles to have a healthy relationship with food from the beginning. Specifically my daughter. My own journey with The Conscious Eating Approach has allowed me the ability to manage the nutritional needs of my entire family without adding a ton of work. My intention is to release my daughter from being consumed by the typical food script that comes with being a girl.

The Conscious Eating Approach not only healed my relationship with food, it birthed my company. I am ready to guide anyone and everyone who is ready to take this approach on for themselves. It’s time to eat well and be happy. Life is too short to be consumed by your food choices for the rest of your days.


A New Relationship With Food