A New Relationship With Food

I have some good news for you…it is never too late to completely eliminate your current relationship with food and build anew. Ok, so it may not be as easy as hitting the delete button, buuuut I am here to link arms with you and walk you through the process. This isn’t the easiest transition, however, I can promise you there are many rewards on the other side. 

I created The Conscious Eating Approach because my relationship with food was trash. It was inconsistent, it was unhealthy, and it was driven by my low state of life. Whoa, heavy, yes. I was unhappy, blindly going through life, and allowed my self-worth to be driven by my appearance. My self-worth established my approach to food. I went from feeling good, ready to start a new program, ready to be a “new person”, ready to finally be that health nut that was in great shape. I assumed being in shape would solve all of my problems. I always started off great until something happened that knocked me down. Then I quickly crashed into the girl who didn’t give a crap what I ate, would binge eat (frequently purging when I felt low enough), and usually cried some hard tears wondering why things couldn’t be different for me. Usually I would then bring myself to trying something new to make things different…see where I’m going?

Slowly, I began pulling myself out of that very dark and vicious cycle. A common theme I found was that when I was being a “health” nut, I wasn’t very happy because I had so many restrictions on myself around food and I worked myself into the ground with exercise. When I had zero brakes around food, I had unhealthy symptoms because I wasn’t eating the right fuel for my body. With both approaches, I didn’t FEEL my best. I felt horrible, actually. No matter my approach, I would get into a pattern that had a way of bringing up feelings of sadness, depression, anxiety, frustration, really you can list any negative emotion. Followed by a solid panic attack sending me to bed for a day or two. 

Ok enough of that because clearly things were not rainbows and sunshine, but it felt necessary to paint a picture as to why redesigning my relationship with food was an absolute must if I was going to have a healthier AND happier life. And maybe you can relate to some of these things, maybe all of them, maybe none of them. I will assume that you are reading this because you are ready for a better relationship with food which can guarantee that we at least have that in common. If you stick with me, I will show you how I did that exact thing and opened up so many happy things in my life and I am the healthiest I have ever been with a whole lot more ease. 

Here’s what I need from you though. Patience, kindness, and grace…for yourself. Do not expect to see “results” in just a few short weeks. The goal is to create long-lasting habits that bring long-lasting results. Are you sick of grasping at anything to see if it works for you? Wouldn’t you rather give yourself six months to build something that will allow you to never search for a new program?

Why can I, with confidence, tell you that’s possible? Because this approach is simply a guide. It allows you to build a relationship with food that works for YOU. How? It’s designed specifically for you. I will tell you how to do that. 

The kicker, we are going to start slow. In following posts I will start working through my 3 Keys to Success with Conscious Eating:

  • Enjoy what you’re eating while still FEELING your best

  • 80/20 rule

  • The willingness to change your mindset around food. 

I want to ease you into all of this becauseI don’t want you to get overwhelmed. We get nowhere when overwhelm is in the driver’s seat. 

For now, I want to encourage you to start somewhere else. Either sit and ponder or journal on the following: 

  • What are your current thoughts around food? Fear? Confusion about what you should eat? Zero thought, you just eat? 

  • How have programs (diets) in the past worked for you? Are you over trying out a new one every few months? Are you done having to search for one? Have the results lasted?

  • Do you want to learn how to eat in a healthier way but still enjoy what you’re eating?

  • Are you ready to find what works for YOU and leave it at that?

  • Are you ready to eat with confidence, keep your health AND happiness intact, see results like never before?

Let these questions simply be a guide. Journal, ponder, let the thoughts flow. Give yourself space to process so you can begin working through these things. These thoughts are ok. There is no room for any shame or guilt here. Bring awareness as a way to make adjustments. This process is going to be about small tweaks and slight pivots. You do not have to change everything right away. You will continue to make tweaks and pivots until you start feeling better. If you allow this process to flow without guilt, shame or fear to get in the way, you will get to that destination much quicker. 

You will continue making tweaks and pivots even as you start feeling better. It’s an ongoing thing. The great part is that you will get better at navigating it and it won’t seem as overwhelming. I am still making tweaks and pivots towards a better FEEL good state, but I am at a point that it’s much easier because I have gotten obsessed with feeling my absolute best. I have seen all of the amazing things that will do for my life. And I cannot wait for the same thing to happen for you!


My Secret Code for Emotional Eating


Not a One Size Fits All Diet