Using Conscious Living to Unlock New Levels of your Life

The Conscious Living Approach is simply an approach that was created to give you the tools you need to start living your healthiest and happiest life. What does it take? Living more consciously. But we’re still giving the lay of the land here. This isn’t something that will happen overnight, it will be something better. This will give you the courage to live the life of your dreamself. It will give you long lasting habits that bring long lasting results. It might seem like a pretty out of reach thing, huh? It did for me before I started my own journey with Conscious Living. But I promise, stick with me and we will do this all with ease. If you give yourself six months of consistently showing up for yourself (even small baby steps), you will be amazed at what that can do for your life. 

Why is this important? Because there are new levels of your life that are eagerly waiting to be unlocked. You just have to be willing to get yourself through the challenges of the levels in front of you. Maybe you lived in a time when video games were simpler. The games where the platform was moving from side to side or up and down and you had to get your character from one platform to another. 

Life will constantly be in motion. Picture there are weights and blocks that are trying to keep you from making the leap to the next platform. These are the negative thought patterns and toxic cycles you allow yourself to remain stuck in. Other things floating around are the superpowers, these are the small tweaks and slight pivots Conscious Living can give you, these are the superpowers that will lessen the weights and smash through the blocks that are trying to keep you from the next platform. The more you collect these superpowers, you can easily leap from platform to platform making massive strides to unlock the next level. Yes, each level may come with more challenges, but the cool thing is, the better you get at the game, the easier it becomes to capture those superpowers that are floating around. And let’s be honest, when you play a video game and start winning, how hard is it to stop trying to reach the next level?

Some things to consider:

  • How would you rate your health AND happiness from a level of 1-10 (10 being great)?

  • What are you actively doing daily to reach your healthiest and happiest self?

  • How do you typically FEEL day to day? Is there room for improvement?

  • Can you give yourself 6 months of consistently taking small baby steps to live life in a more desirable way?

I am a mama to three small babes and I didn’t really begin my healing process until they came along. I do not have the time or space to have radical healing sessions. Majority of the time, I have been grasping at any little thing I can to try to learn how to navigate this journey. Many of the ideas I provide are simple yet make a major impact. To say it another way, these small steps make this approach relatable and doable. The act of living more consciously to the life you are living can be your reality if you want it. Aren’t you curious what the next level has?

The beauty of The Conscious Living Approach is that you get to rebuild the foundation of your life. How would “dream you” handle things? React to things? Approach challenges? How would “dream you” feel every day? What would “dream you” do day to day? 

Little by little you will begin to see glimmers of that dreamself becoming a reality. Again, it will take consistency. More importantly, you need to believe it is even possible. If you have to force yourself to believe it at first, it will get easier to believe it. The reason this works is because every step you will meet yourself exactly where you are at with grace and kindness. There is no room for any guilt, shame, regret, any of those negative thoughts. The fact that you are reading this tells me you are ready to do things differently. 

You know yourself better than anyone. If that is not something that is easy for you to remember, I will be right here reminding you of that frequently. This approach brings long lasting results because you get to decide what is right for you. Gone will be the days of having to feel like you have to follow a program perfectly in order to reach the results you desire. 

If this sounds like it is for you, I can’t wait to have you join the collective that is ready to live more consciously with the shared goal of FEELING our best.


Redesigning Your Lifestyle


Before and After Conscious Living