Redesigning Your Lifestyle

If you’re like me, at some point you started desiring a change. You had a dream way you’d hope to live your life. Then there was the tricky thing, how do I make that possible? Then the hard thing, is it even possible?

The ultimate goal is to be healthy and happy. At least, that’s what I wanted. When things felt hard, when I felt lost on my path, I would find myself envisioning the person I wished I could be. 

For me, it took a lot of trying and failing. If you’re far enough into this lifetime, you know that is a part of life. Failing brings learning, learning brings growth. Unfortunately for me, I had the habit of doing everything the hard way. It was hard because I felt like it was the way I had to do it. Why? Because everyone else was doing it. 

Now what am I talking about? If you have the thought of being healthy, you may assume that it comes from dieting and exercise. In order to reach my health goals I need to eat super healthy and workout multiple times a week. 

But what typically happens? You start eating healthy but it’s hard, you aren’t used to eating that way. You start eating healthy but life happens and eating perfectly it’s realistic. You eat healthy for a period of time, make some progress in your goals, stop eating that way, then you’re back to square one. Or, you start a workout plan, you’re consistent for a week but you hate it. The workout is hard, you dread doing it, you hate it during the process, and it becomes something that feels like a negative in your day. 

Here’s the great thing, I may have cracked the code. Just know, this is not an overnight change or a quick fix. But, out of all the things I have tried, and the quick fixes that have gotten me nowhere, this is, by far, the only approach that actually allowed me to reach my goals. 

Something positive evolved from years of dieting and forcing workout, my strong desire for something different brought an approach that I believe can solve problems for many. That is the Conscious Living Approach. This is a concept that can walk you through redesigning your lifestyle. 

What’s the catch?

  • It takes time. Little by little, with slight tweaks and small pivots you redesign a lifestyle that suits YOU. You have to be willing to play the long-game if you want long-term results.

  • You have to turn off the outside chatter and turn inward. What allows you to FEEL your best? Sure, you may find things that work for other people, try them, but when they don’t work for you, be honest with yourself and try something else. 

  • Be open to trying new things. If what you’re currently doing isn’t working, you have to be willing to try new things. It will be trial and error for a time period, but consistency in trying will allow you to find the exact thing that works for YOU. 

  • Be patient, kind, and gentle with yourself. There are definitely times where this process gets frustrating. You may resent yourself for getting to a place you don’t desire. But beating yourself up will only keep you stuck. You, at the time, didn’t know any better. Be proud of yourself for waking up to the life you’re currently living and making the conscious choice to do differently. That alone is a powerful step in your success. 

  • You can’t give up. The harsh reality I have learned is that it gets super hard before the change actually happens. You have to choose your hard: being stuck in the frustration of not being where you want to be or the work it takes to discover what you need in order to reach your dream lifestyle. 

The Conscious Living Flow:

Here’s the cool thing > The Conscious Living Approach gives you an outline. You are not taking shots in the dark. There is a flow. First it starts with YOU, the first tier, what you’re eating, your mindset and your habits. You bring awareness to what you’re currently doing, you decide on a slight tweak or small pivot you can try in order to catch momentum in a more positive direction. The second tier has the same concept but this is focusing on the external factors in your life. 

This platform was created to give you the support you need to accomplish that. Stick with me and I will give you the bite size content you need along the way to support your journey. Always remember, you can do this and you deserve this.

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Get Comfortable with being Uncomfortable


Using Conscious Living to Unlock New Levels of your Life